The Executive Committee of CSIT pursues a policy that is intended to further expand the CSIT internationally. CSIT has the ambition to become the most important international sports for all and amateur sports association. CSIT aims to develop international activities for its members, partners and non-members in order to offer a full sports program to the amateur athlete.
A leading activity are the CSIT World Sports Games, which will be organized for the seventh time in Italy in October 2021. To organize these Games CSIT relies entirely on the members of the Technical Commissions (TCs). They work as volunteers in the background on the various championships. TCs are also responding to the changes in international sports. Where necessary, TCs fill in the need to further expand the number of sports within a Technical Commission. The ambitions of CSIT are high and CSIT depends on the expertise the affiliated unions can provide. CSIT is the platform in which sports experts, under the leadership of the Sports Directors, can work on the development of sports in a TC and in which entrepreneurship is increasingly a necessity to pursue the goals.
Recently, the ExCom has adopted new “CSIT Technical Commissions and Championships Regulations” in which we believe to be able to recruit sports experts within the federations more effectively. The competences of the people, we are looking for, are set out in a job description. In fact, any association that shares the standards and values of the CSIT can offer its sports experts.
A sports expert applies for the TC position by presenting a CV and a clear motivation letter in English language. Finally, the CSIT is looking for the most suitable persons for one of its most important body.
An interview between the candidate and the Sports Directors will take place on-line and based on this experience individuals will be nominated to the ExCom to serve on a Technical Commission. An annual evaluation will make clear whether the choice was the right one for the person.
The first possible assignment of a position within a TC will take place in October 2021!
CSIT wants to enthuse its member unions to nominate their most competent sports experts to the CSIT. Do not hesitate to put forward your candidatures before the 1st of September 2021! If you have further questions on this subject, please contact the Sports Directors via and / or