
Panikos Kadis new PASEK-President

Panikos Kadis new PASEK-President

CSIT member PASEK Cyprus elected Panikos Kadis as new president after withdrawal of Mr. George Constantinou

Panikos Kadis is member of the PASEK Committee since 15 years. "I am very glad", he said, "that we are member of the CSIT for a loing time. As the new president of PASEK I will do the best for the CSIT organization and the first thing I am working on, is to promote the CSIT sporting idea to our memberships and workers. Sport makes cooperation, friendships and is working with people from different countries with different believes, culture and color. That’s why sports is something, that we have to promote anytime we can. I hope the best for all CSIT members and I am looking foreward to meeting all leaders personally."

22/05/19 18:52 back