Palle Thomsen, Secretary General of CSIT Member DAI (Denmark) was celebrated for his 40 years of service to DAI at the beginning of October and received the DIF pin of honour for special services. At the same time, Palle was also awarded the DIF pin of honour for his many years of voluntary work in the international amateur sports association CSIT. Palle Thomsen is responsible for senior sport as Vice President of the CSIT.
Over the years at DAI, Palle has been the guarantor for the sporting development of the association, which has existed for more than 93 years. General sport, interdisciplinary sport, complemented by sport for the unemployed, sport for seniors, sport in residential areas and sport for the mentally ill are the social interventions that DAI has been carrying out in the field of sport since the 1980s and has given its more than 124,000 members a world of good sporting experiences over the years.
Picture by DAI