
Events 2022 under the Patronage of CSIT

Events 2022 under the Patronage of CSIT

Besides the CSIT Single Championships 2022, CSIT will take over the patronage for two events in Misano Adriatico, Italy and Timimoun, Algeria.

On June 13th 2022 the AiCS Memorial Filippini & Dalla’Acqua Pattinaggio Artistico a Rotelle event will take place in the Adriatic resort of Misano Adriatico. Organized by our Member AiCS, CSIT provides the patronage for the one-day roller skating event. If you are interested in participating please contact Mr. Claudio Faragona  via claudiofaragona@gmail.com.

Also the Fédération Algérienne de Sport et Travail (FAST), another Member of CSIT, is going at it again after a long dry spell due to the pandemic. Under the patronage of CSIT, the Timimoun Trail 90 km will be staged in the central-Algerian city of Timimoun. The event will take place from October 15th to October 25th 2022. Get in contact with the organizers via fast.algerie@yahoo.fr or visit their website www.fast.dz.  

Last but not least, the Bulgarian Workers' Federation "Sport and Health" hosts the International Workers’ Sports Festival in St. Constantine and Helena Resort in Bulgaria (contact: kparzulov@abv.bg). It is already the 18th edition of the event!

We wish all members successful events!

04/03/22 17:49 back