This is an important commitment to show as a world confederation that the pandemic does not necessarily have to lead to a standstill, but that activities can still be set and progress made. Two of the actual projects are YOULEAD andEnageYou4Sport.
The Final Meeting of YOULead takes place in Vienna (Austria) on the first weekend in April, organized by the Austrian CSIT-partner ASKÖ. The primary aim is to put the finishing touches to the Young Leaders' concepts for international youth camps. The program further includes sporting and cultural activities (disc golf, city tour). The Final Conference on Saturday, 2ndApril at 14:00, at the “House of Sports” (Spiegelsaal, Prinz Eugen Straße 12, 1040 Vienna) marks the end of the project. The setting for this is the “House of Sport”, one of the centers of professional sport in Austria. In the public event, the concepts will be presented and awarded, followed by a round table on the relevance of training programs and international exchange in grassroots sports organisation.
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