ENGSO is one of the big organizations in European Sports. During the ENGSO European Sport Platform from 4th to 5th October in Rome CSIT President Bruno Molea and his assistant Valeria Gherardini had on Friday the possibility to see ENGSO President Stefan Bergh for an informal meeting. One of the biggest points at the ENGSO European Platform was the launch of a new brand name for ENGSO, to be used in future communications: ENGSO - the European Sports NGO. The aim of this change is to make the name more accessible and attractive, help people better understand what ENGSO is about, and to strengthen the brand as the leading voice for voluntary-based grassroots sport. The brand name was adopted by ENGSO members as part of the Strategy 2020 - 2023 during our General Assembly in June. The official name - the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation - will remain the same.
More info on the ENGSO website.