
Cancellation - 17th Workers' Sports Festival Bulgaria

Cancellation - 17th Workers' Sports Festival Bulgaria

Read the personal letter of BWF-President Desislava Yagodin

In regards to limiting the danger of spreading of the Coronavirus COVID-19 on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, I regret to inform you that we have had to cancel the Seventeenth Workers' Sports Festival with International Participation, which was scheduled to be held in Albena Resort from June 9 to June 14, 2020.

This is a huge blow for us, as the festival was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of our federation and we were hoping that it will be the biggest amateur sports event in our history, but we simply have no choice because we definitely will not risk the health of the participants.

As you are aware, the second CSIT Executive Committee Meeting should have been held in the timeframe of the festival. I am very sorry to inform you that we have to cancel the ExCom meeting too because of the same reason. I ask you most politely to inform all CSIT ExCom members about this, and I propose to hold the meeting online (like the last one a week ago) on a date that is suitable to all parties (and that we will decide later).

Sincerely yours,
Desislava Yagodin
BWF "Sport and Health"

28/03/20 10:37 back