
BRIDGES Final Conference ONLINE

BRIDGES Final Conference ONLINE

The Final Conference will take place on 2nd July from 10.30 to 12.30 organized by CSIT.

The EU-funded project BRIDGES is on the home stretch. The Final Conference will take place on 2nd July from 10.30 to 12.30 organized by CSIT, which has been a key partner in the project for the past 2 ½ years. Inclusive communities of migrants and local citizens were formed across Europe and co-funded by the EU. Due to the still uncertain further development of the Corona Pandemic, the Final Conference of Bridges will take place ONLINE. Its time to present the BRIDGES project to the public - with practical "how to" tips from all involved organizations and institutions to promote inclusive communities. 

The current situation and the still restrictive measures do not allow a gathering of several people in Austria, which is why the conference on the originally envisaged scale of more than 100 people present will also not be possible. The project management of BRIDGES and its partners have decided to hold the final presentation of the results ONLINE during the conference in order not to take any risk. If you are interested in attending the Final Conference, please contact administration@csit.tv to receive your personal Zoom link!
BRIDGES is multinational and multicultural. So is the closing conference! The event will be simultaneously translated into Catalan, Italian, Croatian and Greek. 

Find the official Leaflet here!

17/06/21 23:34 back