
AICS Roller Skating Championships

AICS Roller Skating Championships

Figure Skating – a thousand athletes against the fear of Covid-19: “You can do Sport” despite the Corona Pandemic

On Valentine's Day, Montecatini Terme, in the heart of Tuscany, became the capital of choreographies on roller skates and the symbol of the restart of sport, according to AiCS: one thousand athletes took part in the AiCS National Exhibition of roller skating, show and synchronized groups. The event was valid as a national championship for the Italian Sports Culture Association, one of the first Italian sports promotion bodies, and there was great expectation among the athletes on skates. This was confirmed by the numbers recorded: 130 groups registered to take part, 65 clubs competing and thousands of views of the live streaming that allowed families to watch the competitions, which were strictly held behind closed doors due to the Covid alert.

"This is a sign that there is a desire to restart, a desire to play sport," commented AiCS president Bruno Molea. "Doing so safely is possible and necessary, for the good of our athletes, their families, and the well-being of the community. The Valentine's Day event was the first AiCS appointment with synchronised roller skating since the Covid alert broke out, and the response to the online enrolments showed the desire of the athletes to return to the rink, to rediscover some of the normality they had lost."

In order to ensure that everything was conducted in accordance with the rules, the event and the reception of the athletes on the track were marked by strict safety protocols, drawn up for the occasion by the Covid management of AiCS in collaboration with the discipline technicians. The sporting event was organised by the Sport Department of the AICS National Board, in collaboration with the local AiCS committees, the collaboration of the Italian Federation of Roller Sports and the patronage of the Municipality of Montecatini Terme. Considered an event of pre-eminent national interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee, again for the purposes of the anti-Covid dictates, the event was open only to competitive athletes in possession of the relevant medical certificate.  

19/02/21 10:22 back