
YOULead - the final output

YOULead - the final output

This week, the YOULead Booklet has been published. It gives ideas and methodological tips for organizing youth sports games.

YOULead is a first concrete step in order to establish a new sector in CSIT, involving new and fresh ideas coming from the young people in the development of new International Youth Sport Camps addressing the needs of other young people aged from 16 to 20 years old. From January 2021 to June 2022, a group composed of 29 young people and 18 seniors coming from CSIT and the other 6 grassroots sport organisations, worked on the definition of common criteria and values that could enable their camps to be: 
  • Youth - designed by young people addressing other young people (16 – 20 years old) 
  • Intergenerational - Improved by the Intergenerational dialogue with senior leaders
  • Ethic - Empowered by the shared values.
The booklet together with the brochures have been translated in all the partners' languages in order to increase the visibility in all the countries involved and start generating the movement of CSIT camps.
This movement is already reality since ASKÖ will host a delegation of the young leaders to the Camp they organize t the BSFZ Obertraun. Moreover, also AiCS will stage the International Youth Sport Camp in Ostia at the of August.
So if you are...
  • a manager or a coach involved in grassroots sport movement and you are interested in getting new initiatives to propose to the young people of your orgnisations OR
  • a trainer or a teacher interested in how to get simple and useful methodological tips in how to design new camp ideas together with the young people of your grassroots sport organisation OR
  • a young person, aged between 16 and 20 years old, interested in participating in an experience through which you can improve your knowledge and do sport according to EU values...

...this booklet is addressed to you! In these pages all the Camps designed by the young leaders together with their organisations' boards are gathered all together and it aims at spreading them inside and outside the CSIT network.  

You can find all the brochures together with the videos created by the Young Leaders on the project's website: www.youaca.eu
30/06/22 09:04 back