
YOUAca 2.0 goes online

YOUAca 2.0 goes online

The first official meeting of the Young Leaders project YOUAca 2.0 will take place online in September

The Corona Pandemic continues to influence a wide variety of projects worldwide and thus the work of many organisations. This includes also the EU project YOUAca 2.0, which has been forced to take a break since the outbreak of the pandemic. For this reason, the project management has applied to the EU for an extension of the project by 6 months and has been granted this extension.

Since YOUAca 2.0 is no longer to be postponed and personal international meetings are still not possible or desired due to Covid-19, the first YOUAca 2.0 meeting will take place online via ZOOM on September 30th. Content is the personal approach and introduction of the participants as well as the presentation of the expectations of the project. The meeting will be coordinated by project manager Cosimo Renzi from AICS, Anu Rajajarvi as head of the CSIT youth sector and trainer Riku Ahola. CSIT and AICS President Bruno Molea, who will open the meeting, will also participate.

The project "YOUAca", with the partnership of 6 EU countries (Austria, Italy, Spain, Finland, Estonia and now Croatia), aims to support a culture of educational programmes in the visions and political plans of sports organisations. This goal is to be achieved through an innovative and pedagogical programme to develop the skills of youth and young adults in mass sports management by promoting dialogue and mutual enrichment with leading sportsmen and women.

31/07/20 15:02 back