
SGS is part of "BuNT 2022"

SGS is part of

The 5th "BundesNetzwerkTagung des queeren Sports" (BuNT), a national network conference on queer sports, offers an important platform to deal with queer issues, participation and equal opportunities in sport from 31 October to 6 November 2022 at the German Sport University in Cologne (GSU)

Despite the increased awareness of the LGBTIQ+ issues in the (sports) media and politics, organised sport still has a long way to go to ensure the fair participation of all genders and gender identities and to reduce homo and transhositility and sexist discrimination in sport. Above all, it is about structures, regulations and values that should make popular and competitive sport more inclusive. This unique event is organised jointly by our partner in the SGS EU project LSB NRW and DSHS and offers a mix of digital, hybrid and on-site events promises a diverse programme for all interested parties. 

The participation in the BuNT is worthwhile, regardless of whether you are a trainer, club or association representative, politician, scientist or interest group, whether you are new to the topic or experienced in terms of subject matter and content: From low-threshold digital events (31st October to 3rd November) with general information on the topic to the expert conference (4th - 6th November) with conceptual workshops or content-related exchange rounds.

It starts digitally on 31st October (Monday) with a talk round about personal experiences of people from sport and a lecture by Dr. Karolin Heckemeyer with the focus "We are here! Gender diversity in sport - a historical perspective". The face-to-face event at the German Sport University Cologne will start on 4th November (Friday) with a hybrid panel discussion on the responsibility for queer issues in sport. Participants will include Sven Lehmann (Queer Representative of the Federal Government) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Abel (Prorector of the German Sport University Cologne). The event will be moderated by Max Appenroth and Lisa Steffny, with Josefine Paul, North Rhine-Westphalian Minister for Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Refugees and Integration, giving the welcome address. The SGS workshop will take place in the course of the Saturday afternoon, 5 November.

More information and the possiblty to sign up is available (in German) here. 

16/09/22 10:41 back