Forum "Sport Impacts All" 2022 in Rome
The Sports Forum has become the traditional opener of the Congress with a large number of prominent participants from the fields of sport, politics and business with some important keynote speakers on core topics in sport. The Sport Forum is a platform for discussions on current problems in sport and the international sport scene. In Rome, the Sport Forum is already taking place for the second time, whereas this year in “Palazzo della Regione” in Rome. The motto is “Challenges and Opportunities for the Grassroots Sport Movement: World Crisis, International Competition and New Sport Models!”
In the first part of the Forum welcomes national and international authorities and representatives. Among the guests are the president of the Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti, President of CONI, Giovanni Malagò, and the President of the Italian Paralympic Committee, Luca Pancalli. The second part is all about international policies of CSIT and the presentation and discussion of case studies and pilot projects. The focus is on CSITs Youth Policy with the EU co-funded project YOULead, the CSIT Environmental Sustainability Program presented by the respective Working Group and Gender Equality with the upcoming EU co-funded project "EU Mamanet 2023".
Find all information about the Congress and the World Amateru sports forum here!